Wahoos for Sustainability has a long history of working with, urging forward, and supporting the University of Virginia in its efforts to address climate change.
Beginnings. Five years after the UVA Board of Visitors approved its first sustainability commitment in 2011, Wahoos for Sustainability was born. Our initial goal – to encourage UVA to accelerate its progress toward reaching the BOV mandated goal of a 25% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025 -- quickly garnered the signatures of over 500 students, alumni, faculty and staff members voicing their support.
Progress. The UVA Committee on Sustainability and Office of Sustainability rapidly ramped up efforts with the University’s first comprehensive sustainability plan in April 2016, and one year later announced significant progress in reducing emissions. At the same time, Wahoos for Sustainability looked to next steps. On Earth Day 2018, two dozen WFS members and Alumni Sustainability Leaders, along with two University faculty, convened in Charlottesville to look beyond 2025 and find ways to constructively promote and support sustainability leadership and climate change responsibility at the University. The meeting resulted in a plan to advocate for Carbon Neutrality at UVA.
Wahoos for Sustainability’s Carbon Neutrality by 2035 campaign received support and traction from a wide range of University Stakeholders. UVA recently improved upon this aspiration by announcing the even more ambitious climate target of Carbon Neutrality by 2030 and Fossil Fuel Free by 2050.
As a result of the campaign, Wahoos for Sustainability members ballooned to nearly 1300, the importance of carbon neutrality was amplified, and a Student Council Resolution was passed expressing strong support for Carbon Neutrality by 2035.
Transformational Change. At the same time, UVA’s sustainability efforts were quickly advancing. In March 2019, the University of Virginia announced a “Climate Action Partnership” with the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County with the goal to work together to identify ambitious greenhouse gas reductions targets for the community and establish strategies to meet them. WFS joined the Office of Sustainability, Committee on Sustainability, and others in strategic planning efforts on climate-related issues, and just two months later President Jim Ryan unveiled his Board-endorsed “Good and Great” Draft Strategic Plan, which outlined an objective for transformational progress in sustainability.
All of these efforts paved the way for the UVA’s strong, ambitious announcement to reach Carbon Neutrality in its operations by 2030 and to become fossil-fuel free by 2050.
Looking Ahead. We know the coming months and years will be critical in achieving measurable success in mitigating climate change and making Sustainability an integral part of the University's goals and growth. Wahoos for Sustainability stands, ever eager and ready, to continue to help advance our University towards these goals. Join us!